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Título : Respiratory syncytial virus persistence in macrophages alters the profile of cellular gene expression.
Autor(es) : Rivera Toledo, Evelyn
Gomez Garcia, Beatriz
Traductor : Yakoleff, Veronica
En : Viruses (1999-4915) vol. 4(12), 3270-3280 (2012)
Número completo :
Abstract : Viruses can persistently infect differentiated cells through regulation of expression of both their own genes and those of the host cell, thereby evading detection by the host’s immune system and achieving residence in a non-lytic state. Models in vitro with cell lines are useful tools in understanding the mechanisms associated with the establishment of viral persistence. In particular, a model to study respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) persistence in a murine macrophage-like cell line has been established. Compared to non-infected macrophages, macrophages persistently infected with RSV show altered expression both of genes coding for cytokines and trans-membrane proteins associated with antigen uptake and of genes related to cell survival. The biological changes associated with altered gene expression in macrophages as a consequence of persistent RSV infection are summarized.
Palabras clave : Virología
Virus sincitial respiratorio
Persistencia viral
Alteración en la expresión génica
Fecha de publicación : 2012
DOI : 10.3390/v4123270
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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