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dc.contributor.authorFrias De Leon, Maria Guadalupe
dc.contributor.authorRosas de Paz, Emmanuel
dc.contributor.authorRoberto Arenas
dc.contributor.authorCarlos Atoche Dieguez
dc.contributor.authorDuarte Escalante, Esperanza
dc.contributor.authorMolina, Dora
dc.contributor.authorAcosta Altamirano, Gustavo
dc.contributor.authorReyes Montes, Maria del Rocio Alicia
dc.description.abstractOBJECTIVE: Aspergillus section Nigri comprises a group of related species that include Aspergillus niger, A. welwitschiae, A. carbonarius, A. brasiliensis and A. tubingensis. Some of these species are morphologically very similar to A. niger but exhibit different patterns of susceptibility to antifungal agents; such is the case for A. tubingensis. Therefore, when diagnosing aspergillosis, it is important to identify the pathogen at the species level. This study aimed to identify the species of an Aspergillus spp. isolate (MM-82) obtained from a patient with a dermatosis localized to the right leg. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The MM-82 isolate was examined for macro- and microscopic morphology, conidia size and thermotolerance, and a phylogenetic analysis of a benA gene segment was performed for molecular identification. Susceptibility to antifungals was determined using antifungal microdilution according to the methodology of European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (EUCAST). RESULTS: Based on its phenotypic characteristics and the phylogenetic analysis of the sequence of a benA gene segment, the MM-82 isolate was identified as A. tubingensis. This fungus did not show resistance to antifungal agents commonly used for treatment. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that A. tubingensis can cause skin infection; this constitutes the first report of a case of aspergillosis caused by A. tubingensis in Mexico.
dc.publisherElsevier Masson
dc.subjectAspergillus tubingensis
dc.subjectAspergillus sección Nigri
dc.subject.classificationMedicina y Ciencias de la Salud
dc.subject.otherAspergillus tubingensis
dc.subject.otherAspergillus section nigri
dc.titleIdentification of Aspergillus tubingensis in a primary skin infection.
dcterms.bibliographicCitationJournal de Mycologie Médicale vol. 28(2), 274-278 (2018)
dcterms.creatorFrias De Leon, Maria Guadalupe::cvu::172552
dcterms.creatorRosas de Paz, Emmanuel::cvu::509075
dcterms.creatorRoberto Arenas::orcid::0000-0002-2992-9564
dcterms.creatorCarlos Atoche Dieguez::orcid::0000-0003-0811-1541
dcterms.creatorDuarte Escalante, Esperanza::cvu::445642
dcterms.creatorMolina, Dora::ca::1239286
dcterms.creatorAcosta Altamirano, Gustavo::cvu::398879
dcterms.creatorReyes Montes, Maria del Rocio Alicia::cvu::5632
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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