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dc.contributor.authorRodriguez Fuentes, Nayeli
dc.contributor.authorReynoso Ducoing, Olivia Alicia
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez, Ana
dc.contributor.authorAmbrosio Hernandez, Javier Rolando
dc.contributor.authorPiña Barba, Maria Cristina
dc.contributor.authorZepeda, Armando
dc.contributor.authorCerbon Cervantes, Marco Antonio
dc.contributor.authorTapia Ramírez, Jose Isabel
dc.contributor.authorAlcantara Quintana, Luz Eugenia
dc.description.abstractMesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have a differentiation potential towards osteoblastic lineage when they are stimulated with soluble factors or specific biomaterials. This work presents a novel option for the delivery of MSCs from human amniotic membrane (AM-hMSCs) that employs bovine bone matrix Nukbone (NKB) as a scaffold. Thus, the application of MSCs in repair and tissue regeneration processes depends principally on the efficient implementation of the techniques for placing these cells in a host tissue. For this reason, the design of biomaterials and cellular scaffolds has gained importance in recent years because the topographical characteristics of the selected scaffold must ensure adhesion, proliferation and differentiation into the desired cell lineage in the microenvironment of the injured tissue. This option for the delivery of MSCs from human amniotic membrane (AM-hMSCs) employs bovine bone matrix as a cellular scaffold and is an efficient culture technique because the cells respond to the topographic characteristics of the bovine bone matrix Nukbone (NKB), i.e., spreading on the surface, macroporous covering and colonizing the depth of the biomaterial, after the cell isolation process. We present the procedure for isolating and culturing MSCs on a bovine matrix.
dc.publisherMYJoVE Corporation
dc.subjectBiología del desarrollo
dc.subjectCélulas troncales mesenquimales humanas
dc.subjectBiomateriales porosos
dc.subjectIngenieria de tejido óseo
dc.subject.classificationMedicina y Ciencias de la Salud
dc.subject.otherDevelopmental biology
dc.subject.otherHuman mesenchymal stem cells
dc.subject.otherPorous biomaterals
dc.subject.otherBone tissue engineering
dc.titleIsolation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and their Cultivation on the Porous Bone Matrix.
dcterms.bibliographicCitationJournal of Visualized Experiments (1940-087X ) vol. 9(96), 1-7 (2015)
dcterms.creatorRodriguez Fuentes, Nayeli::cvu::49887
dcterms.creatorReynoso Ducoing, Olivia Alicia::cvu::56287
dcterms.creatorRodríguez, Ana::ca::1239262
dcterms.creatorAmbrosio Hernandez, Javier Rolando::cvu::120362
dcterms.creatorPiña Barba, Maria Cristina::cvu::4304
dcterms.creatorZepeda, Armando::ca::1239267
dcterms.creatorCerbon Cervantes, Marco Antonio::cvu::3865
dcterms.creatorTapia Ramírez, Jose Isabel::cvu::11620
dcterms.creatorAlcantara Quintana, Luz Eugenia::cvu::42538
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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